How To Work Through August Blues

Have you ever noticed that your energy changes at the end of the summer months? You might notice that your mood changes, maybe you feel anxious, sad, or maybe feel empty. I want you to know that you are not alone in feeling this way. This change in mood is what is known as “August Blues” or “August Anxiety” and today I want to give you a few tips on how to work through August Blues to hopefully increase that wellbeing.

Why Does This Change Happen

While there is no exact science behind why we experience such a shift in mood, emotions, and energy; but if we take a step back it and look at our life from a compassionate side we can see with a little clarity. The end of the summer brings lots of changes. Kids are heading back to school, vacation days are gone, end of “summer goals” are not finished yet. That can be overwhelming for anyone to deal with so it is important to slow down and check-in with yourself from a compassionate point of view. Remember nothing gets done from a state of “negative self-talk” or “survival mode”.

How to work through the august blues and fall mood swings

Check In With Yourself

Are you experiencing things like:

  • fatigue
  • irritability
  • anxiety
  • lack of motivation
  • sadness
  • emptiness

If you are experiencing two or more of these, then it might be time to make a little change in routine for yourself. Again there is no shame if you are experiencing these right now. You are not alone in this.

Embracing The Present Moment

I want to share some mindful practices that you can start to embed into your daily routine to hopefully bring a little more sense of ease into your life as we begin to navigate the shift of change.

Mindful Reflection on Summer

  • Take a moment to reflect on some of the positive summer experiences you had. Write them out or talk about them with a loved one. What did you learn about yourself this summer? Reflect on the moments when you were most proud of yourself? What was your favorite memory this summer? Why?
  • Related Content: My Favorite Reflection Journal

Practicing Gratitude

  • Write out a list of people and things you are grateful for in this moment. Give yourself 3-5 things or beings and jot them down on a sticky note. Place that note in space that you visit everyday. Maybe it’s on the side of your bed, the mirror in your bathroom, or even next to your coffee pot. This will be a reminder to carry gratitude with your throughout your day.

A New Season

A change in the weather is nature’s way of reminding us that the world is every changing. A new season brings new possibilities, but I also know that a new season can bring new fears and new unknowns. I like to look at seasons as an opportunity for a new intention. What would you like to embrace this August? This doesn’t have to be setting “crazy goals” or “expectations”. Autumn and Winter is a time to slow down and really think about you.

Set An Intention

  • What do you want to embrace this autumn? What do you need to let go of to make room for? Once you have set an intention, it is time to weave into your day to day by starting small. Let’s say you want to start prioritizing your self care more. You can start small by focusing on things like, mindfulness practices; breath work, yoga, meditation, journaling, mindful walks, simply being present with yourself.

Starter tip: Mindfulness practices like breath work, meditation, or even somatic movement do not have to be for a long period of time, one minute is a great place to great start.

Weaving In The Yang

What I mean by yang is “heat” it is energy. But let me be clear, this heat energy has to be intentional as well. For those that are constantly on the move, chasing your kids, running around the hospital to help patients that is the busyness of everyday life. The YANG we are focusing on is the one that makes you feel good (not that chasing your kid around doesn’t make you feel good, don’t come for me mommas).

Happy Movement

I want you to think about the last time you moved your body and you were just happy doing it. For some it might be hot yoga, strength training, or hiking a mountain. For other’s it might be dancing in your kitchen, walking your puppy, or trying a new sport like tennis. The bottom line is, make it fun! I feel like we get so caught up in the “weight loss & exercise” of it all. Why not try something just because it makes you HAPPY!

Mindful Connection

Another aspect of the August Blues is isolation and this feeling of loneliness. Often times when we experience loneliness we tend to further isolate ourselves from others, only making us feel more isolated. I understand that it takes energy to have conversations with other’s, which is why I suggest doing it with those where you can be completely authentic. Finding a group that is fully supportive in whatever is present with you right now is the best kind of connections during this time.

If you feel that you are in need of additional support please don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional. This world is full of wonderful doctors, counselors, therapists, advocates, support groups, sometimes it just takes a little time to find the one that fits for you.

You Are Worth This New Season

The August Blues are thing, no you are not crazy for feeling moody, tired, sad, overwhelmed, or all of the above. However you are worth making a change for you this season to help overcome and work through those August Blues. If you are not sure where to start this is your gentle reminder to start small; check in with yourself, be compassionate, find a support system, move happily, and embrace your intention for this season.

In Gratitude,


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