Are You Approaching Burnout?

Are you approaching burnout? A common word that seems to be flooding the realm of entrepreneurship… For myself, someone who has experienced career burnout find it odd how easily the term is thrown around. There I was three years ago sitting in my therapists office crying… I was feeling sad, exhausted, overwhelmed, unstable, and numb. Life was extremely hard and I was having trouble enjoying work, family, and friends. To be fully transparent I was lost.

My heart behind it all

Nearly three years later, with lots of learning, failing, I have now made it my passion to help women in entrepreneurship either break the cycle of burnout if they are in it, or help them create a lifestyle so they can know the signs, live with intention, & adjust as needed. I want to start by exploring the signs of burnout and why seeking assistance is not a sign of weakness but a testament to your strength.

The Hidden Enemy: Burnout in Women in Business

Women in business face unique challenges, from feeling the constant pressure to prove themselves, be super woman, & break barriers on success. It’s essential to recognize that burnout doesn’t have a preference on who it targets; it affects individuals across all walks of life. However, understanding how burnout manifests for you looks a little different for everyone. I wanted to highlight the common ones I see amongst my clientele.

Overwhelming Fatigue

One of the earliest signs of burnout is feeling persistently exhausted, even after a full night’s sleep. It’s normal to feel tired after a long day at the office, but when exhaustion becomes the norm across work tasks, chores at home, or just overall , it’s time to take a step back & look at re-evaluating what might be going on.

Emotional Exhaustion

Constantly feeling emotionally drained or on edge is another common symptom of burnout. As women we often take on various roles, both professionally and personally. When you start to feel the constant overwhelm, or what I call “controlled chaos or hustle” you can be approaching the lower side of burnout.

Decreased Performance

In the beginning this can feel like daydreaming about being on vacation, forgetting tasks from time to time, having a hard time focusing. All of this can cultivate this overwhelming feeling of chaos which can lead to a complete disconnect from your work as well as the passion for the work.

Neglecting Self-Care

Many women in business are natural caregivers, often prioritizing the needs of others over their own. Think back, when was the last time you did something healthy for you!? Something like exercising, eating a healthy meal, or relaxing…. If you haven’t made time for you within the past week, I encourage you to MAKE time!

You’re Not Alone

Remember you are not alone in this. I was there, a lot of us unfortunately experience burnout at one point or many points in our careers. But knowing that someone can be there to help guide, listen, and encourage you as you manage your way out is what I am here for! Also know, that you don’t have to experience burnout to reach success! It is not a rite of passage!

This is also a judgement free zone! If you are curious about where you might be on the “Controlled Hustle ” scale I encourage you to take my FREE quiz below! If you need any further help I’d love to connect with you!

Controlled Hustle Quiz

**This blog is not medical advice. None of the information in this post should be used to diagnose, treat or cure any medical conditions. Consult your physician with any medical concerns you may have.***

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